Royal Healer
David Tejeda is a Guide for those seeking a spiritual path with no glass ceiling
Max Meditation™ Class
Max Meditation System™ is both effective and simple to do and you will be guided throughout to ensure you have a relaxing, mindful experience.
This group class is in-person in Austin and is available on a regular schedule. ​
Even beginners or people with difficulty meditating often remark how easy it can be to get into a deep state of meditation with this method.
More experienced meditators comment on how their current practice can deepen significantly after doing Max Meditation for only a short while.
The Max Meditation System™ was developed by Modern Mystery School Founder Gudni Gudnason, after traveling the world for 35 years exploring the phenomena of the mind and numerous forms of meditation including prominent teachers in India and Tibet.
This system features a fusion of ancient techniques of yoga, mind acrobatics, psychology & NLP creating a synergy between them and a highly effective means to reduce stress & pain, enhance energy & vitality boost general wellbeing and much more... It is designed to help your brain work as a whole and help you get the most out of your meditation practice.
Max Meditation Class Online is by request and is offered by David Tejeda. Just text David @ 737-268-7137 and give your full name and email and mention "I want to try Max Meditation". I will get you connected to a schedule and get you location details once you register. I recommend getting 4 classes. Most of my meditation students notice a significant improvement after 4 classes.
Max Meditation is $25 per class/per person. Each class goes for about an hour.