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 Empower Thyself  

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2 Day Class
Saturday & Sunday 10am-8pm





The Empower Thyself class & initiation is in many ways the opening of a door. It is the beginning of a journey into knowing yourself, understanding and developing your innate gifts and learning how to consciously create what you want in life!


   This two-day event is the first step on the path of progression and an initiation for people who want to reach their highest human potential and deepen their spiritual awareness.  


Discover a Path filled with:





Deeper Knowledge…

Mysteries Revealed…

Accelerated Personal Growth…

Greater Spiritual Connection…























   Initiation is one of the essential keys to fulfilling life purpose, manifesting your greater potential, and harnessing your innate gifts. Now, with the tools handed down through this ancient lineage, the path to transforming your life while enriching the lives of others is available to the sincere seeker. Traditionally reserved for the few, this initiation is a gift of empowerment passed down through the ages in a direct and unbroken lineage from King Salomon. When you are ready to walk through the door, we invite you to submit your name and request initiation.

      Once accepted, you are prepared to receive initiation through a two-day intensive training that delivers the foundational teachings of the ancient mysteries.


Through this initiation you will:

• Awaken to Hidden Knowledge

• Connect more fully with Spirit

• Gain greater protection in the Light

• Learn techniques of spiritual and physical empowerment

• Expand your capacity tenfold to manifest and flow energy

• Align more fully with the Universal flow of Creativity and Joy


The teachings given for this initiation create a pattern of living that will empower you to master yourself and create change in the world. Through this process you will learn how to quiet your mind so that the heart can be heard. Only with a quiet mind and an illuminated heart can you do TRUE SERVICE to humanity.


In this class you will explore ancient spiritual mystery school teachings on many topics including:


  • The Nature of God and the Structure of the Spiritual Realms

  • The Nature of Humans

  • The Positive and Negative Ego

  • A basic structure of the Cosmology (Universe)

  • Tools for clearing negative blocks

  • A brief history of the school and humanity

  • How to Live Life in the Flow

  • Opening & Utilizing the Five Physical Senses and the Five Spiritual Senses

  • Kabbalah and Actualizing Your Original Divine Blueprint

  • Developing your Spiritual Practice

  • Proper meditation techniques

  • The Chakras and energy flow

  • Handing down of sacred teachings

  • The Value of Lineage and Initiation

  • Physical Initiation Into the Lineage


There are numerous benefits to those who apply the tools and teachings:


  • Spiritual and Emotional boundaries and protection are enhanced making it easier for people to feel the world without being overwhelmed by it.  Empaths or those looking to feel more can both benefit from this. 

  • Ability to create and build positive healing energy in your home or place of work.

  • The ability to bring in supportive help into any situation is increased.

  • Strengthen ability to clarify which thoughts and emotions are yours and which are someone else's thoughts and emotions.

  • Creativity and the creative process can be clearer.  Help your creative process become maximized.

  • Ability to handle change in your life increases at a time in the world when change is happening faster and faster all the time. 

  • An ever deepening awareness of who you really are, your gifts and life purpose is opened for you to explore that continues to get clearer as you use the tools and walk the path of progression.

  • Each time you apply the tools you get a chance to discover how deep they go and more and more ways you can benefit from them to empower the true YOU and transform your life. 

  • Game-changers, world class healers, innovators and some of the greatest contributors to human flourishing throughout history have all started here.  You can use these teachings to know yourself and boost the good that you do in the world.  The path to creating world peace starts with inner peace and inner peace begins here.  





"David is a gifted healer and spiritual guide who I have had the pleasure of knowing for the last 7 years or so. After I enrolled in David's personal coaching program, he introduced me to the Modern Mystery School. I have continued to progress since he gave me my first Life Activation many years ago.


David is talented at uncovering and gently bringing to light the hidden energies influencing your life. He can help you build a plan to re-balance your energy, integrate the past, and unlock your future potential. This was true before he became a Guide. 


Now as a Guide in the Hermetic tradition, David has the full power of the Lineage of King Salomon behind him and I eagerly await to see the world-changing impact his initiates will make as they help foster the beautiful world of Shamballah with the tools handed down in Empower Thyself."


                                 -MATTHEW KOREN


About origins & details of this program:



The Empower Thyself Program is based on the most ancient of teachings.  This program is a truly unique, and extremely effective, way to become a true light worker.

The class follows a set curriculum, carefully crafted several thousands of years ago in the temples of King Salomon the Wise (which is the beginning of our lineage). The information you receive during this program, passed on from teacher-to-student, is untouched, unchanged, and has been tested over and over again. It works for everyone!


The Empower Thyself Program brings you to a higher level of knowledge and understanding of the true mysteries. It enlightens the mind, transforms the soul, and gives you tools you can use daily to empower yourself (hence the name) and create abundance in your life.

By the end of the program, you will receive a physical initiation. This initiation is truly the most important part of our system. Throughout training with the Modern Mystery School students receive a series of initiations, all starting with this first one.


The program is essentially a preparation for this initiation, after which you will carry the title of “Adept” (someone who has mastered a skill). The initiation begins your journey as an official student of the school, and puts you under the guiding wing of the Hierarchy of Light (more information available in the program).

This program includes a student manual, in-class instruction, and initiation. Upon completion of the course, students will be sent their official student ID cards and student ID numbers.  This program is offered by Guide Apprentice David Tejeda â€‹




  • Consult: Find out if this class is a good fit for you and what kind of benefits you can expect from the class.

  • Prerequisite: Life Activation: Life Activation is offered by a certified Life Activation Practitioner David Tejeda.  A Life Activation is $300 and can be scheduled on any day before the class by any practitioner that is available. It's a 90 to 120 minute session. 

  • Deposit: (Due 45 days in advance) Deposits of $500 minimum must be received by TBD to Attend this Class.  This is just enough time to make it possible to reserve the space and order supplies etc. 



$2000 is the total for this class including: consult + life activation + the two day class and initiation.

$300 If you haven't had a Life Activation is required before Empower Thyself.  It's a 90 minute in person session. 

Completing Life Activation + $500  deposit reserves your spot in Empower Thyself Class

$1800  Class Tuition cost for both days (both days required to attend) If you have already had Life Activation from this lineage then you just pay this. 



The Location is here in Austin, TX. This is an in-person class only.   Location details are given with deposit & completion of registration.


To Begin: 

To find out if this is a good fit for you: simply text Royal Healer at 737-268-7137  to set up an in person consult with David to discuss Empower Thyself and your goals for your spiritual growth.   I look forward to meeting with those who are looking for something real that fits them. I honor that.  Let's talk. 



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